Diving into the world of freediving

Diving into the world of freediving: exploring the disciplines

Freediving, also known as apnea, is a unique activity that merges sport, art, and science into one, allowing people to explore the underwater world and the depths of their own consciousness. This sport does not employ oxygen tanks or other breathing equipment. Freedivers rely solely on the capacity of their lungs, trained skills, and the ability to control their body and mind.

Freediving is more than just diving underwater. It encompasses a spectrum of disciplines, each offering its unique challenges and rewards. From static apnea, where the goal is to hold one's breath as long as possible, to no-limits diving, where freedivers strive to reach maximum depth, each discipline represents a unique test of self-awareness, physical endurance, and breath control.

In this article, we will examine the main disciplines of freediving, their characteristics, and how they help freedivers explore the underwater world and their personal boundaries. But first and foremost, it's important to remember that safety is the top priority in any of these disciplines. Proper training, respect for personal boundaries, and never diving alone are the main safety principles that every freediver should adhere to.

STA (Static Apnea)

STA (Static Apnea) is a discipline where the freediver attempts to spend as much time underwater without breathing, remaining motionless. This is usually done in a pool or at a shallow depth. This discipline requires a high level of relaxation and control over the body and mind.

DYN (Dynamic Apnea)

DYN (Dynamic Apnea) is a discipline where the freediver attempts to swim as far underwater as possible on a single breath, using fins or a monofin. This requires not only breath control but also efficiency of movements and physical endurance.

DNF (Dynamic No Fins)

DNF (Dynamic No Fins) is a discipline similar to DYN, but without the use of fins. Freedivers use a special swimming style, similar to breaststroke, to swim as far as possible on a single breath.

FIM (Free Immersion)

FIM (Free Immersion) is a discipline where the freediver dives and ascends using their hands along a vertical rope, without the use of fins. This requires strength and coordination, as well as allowing the freediver to control the speed of descent and ascent.

CWT (Constant Weight)

CWT (Constant Weight) is a discipline where the freediver dives to a depth and ascends with a constant weight, with fins or a monofin. The weight used to increase the speed of the dive cannot be dropped during the ascent. This discipline requires strength, endurance, and good buoyancy control.

CNF (Constant Weight No Fins)

CNF (Constant Weight No Fins) is a variation of constant weight diving. However, the added challenge here is that the use of fins is prohibited. For diving and surfacing, divers apply a modified breaststroke technique. This is one of the most physically demanding disciplines in freediving, requiring excellent physical form and effective breath control.

VWT (Variable Weight)

VWT (Variable Weight) is a discipline where the freediver uses a weight for rapid descent but then leaves it at the bottom and ascends without it. This allows reaching greater depths but requires good pressure compensation control and excellent endurance.

NLT (No Limits)

NLT (No Limits) is the most extreme discipline of freediving, where a special sled is used for rapid descent to the maximum depth. After reaching the desired depth, the freediver activates an air balloon or other mechanism for rapid return to the surface. This discipline allows reaching the greatest depths, but it is also the most risky and requires significant experience and preparation.


Freediving is a diverse and exciting sport that teaches us to control our breath, body, and mind. From static apnea to no-limits diving, each discipline offers its unique challenges and opportunities for exploring the underwater world and understanding oneself.

At the same time, freediving is not just a sport, competition and hard training, but also a way to interact anew with the aquatic environment that covers most of our planet. This activity allows people to see and experience a world that they may not have yet admired.

Regardless of how deep or long you dive, safety should always come first. Proper training, respect for your physical and psychological boundaries, and never diving alone are the basic principles that every freediver should follow.

In the final analysis, freediving is a journey of self-discovery that begins with a deep breath. And anyone who decides to embark on this journey will open up new horizons of possibilities for themselves.
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