Fins for freediving

Fins for freediving: your guide to choosing the right pair

Freediving is a unique and awe-inspiring activity that allows you to explore the underwater world without the use of scuba gear. However, to do this effectively and safely, you need the right equipment. One of the most crucial pieces of gear for freediving is the fins. In this article, we will delve into the different types of fins for freediving, their materials, and give advice on how to choose the right pair.

General Information about Freediving Fins

Fins are a key piece of equipment that allows you to move underwater with greater speed and less effort. Freediving fins are typically longer than standard swimming fins, providing more effective propulsion.

Fins can vary in stiffness, but for freediving, soft fins (S) are usually recommended. The reason for this is that soft blades provide a smoother and more natural stroke, which helps to avoid fatigue in the legs during long dives. These blades work efficiently, allowing you to spend more time underwater without feeling tired.

Fins Materials

Regarding the materials from which fins are made, there are three main types: plastic, fiberglass, and carbon. Plastic fins are a budget option, which can be used during courses for beginner freedivers. They are quite durable but not as efficient as the other materials. Fiberglass fins are more durable and efficient than plastic, making them suitable for regular freedivers.

Carbon fins are the highest level of gear for freediving. They offer the best performance and efficiency with each fin stroke. However, carbon is a very brittle material, and it requires careful handling to avoid damage. Carbon fins are ideal for experienced freedivers who know how to use them correctly and take care of them.
A monofin is another type of fin used in freediving training. Unlike regular bi-fins, a monofin consists of one large blade that both feet are inserted into together. These fins are typically used by professional freedivers and athletes participating in competitions.

Using a monofin requires a specific swimming technique. Instead of moving each leg separately as done with regular fins, monofin movements are performed synchronously, creating a single, smooth wave that passes through the entire body. This requires greater body control and coordination level and typically takes more time to learn.

Monofins provide greater speed and efficiency than bi-fins, but they also require more strength and technical skill. Because of this, they are usually not recommended for beginners or recreational freedivers.

Like regular fins, monofins can be made from various materials, including plastic, fiberglass, and carbon. Carbon monofins offer the highest performance, but they also require careful handling due to the brittleness of the material.


In the world of freediving, the correct choice of fins is an integral part of your success and enjoyment of this fascinating activity. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, choosing the right fins can significantly impact your performance and comfort during dives.

Soft fins make a good choice for most freedivers. The reason lies in their ability to provide efficient underwater movement, allowing you to maximize the use of your energy. Furthermore, using soft fins helps minimize leg fatigue, which is especially valuable during lengthy dives.

However, it's important to remember that the choice of fins should be based on your own skill level and swimming technique. Freediving is a sport that requires consideration of individual characteristics and preferences. For example, if you already have experience and want to boost your performance, you might consider transitioning to fiberglass or even carbon fins.

Additionally, don't forget about the importance of handling and caring for your fins correctly. The skills to maintain equipment in good condition are also part of successful freediving.

In conclusion, choosing fins is not only a matter of preparing for freediving but also a question of personalizing your underwater experience. Pay close attention to your needs and preferences, and you will be able to find the perfect fins that will help you fully enjoy the world of freediving.Choosing the right fins is an important part of preparing for freediving. Soft fins (S) are a good choice for most freedivers as they provide efficient underwater movement and help prevent fatigue. Remember that it's important to select gear that matches your skill level and swimming technique to ensure safety and enjoyment in freediving.

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